AIMultiple ResearchAIMultiple Research

Ultimate Guide to Test Case Management in 2024

Altay Ataman
Updated on Jan 3
4 min read

Test case management is an essential aspect of software testing that helps quality assurance (QA) teams to plan, design, execute, and track the testing of software applications. Effective test case management ensures that software applications are thoroughly tested and meet the specified requirements.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to test case management. We will explore the different types of test cases, the components of a test case, and the tools that can support test case management. 

What is a test case?

A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works as expected. A test case typically includes pre-conditions, inputs, expected outputs, and post-conditions, which are used to evaluate the correctness of a system. 

Test cases are used in software testing to validate that the software meets the specified requirements and behaves as expected in different scenarios. They help ensure that the software is thoroughly tested and isolate bugs.

What are the components of a test case?

A test case typically includes the following components:

  1. Test case ID: A unique identifier for the test case.
  2. Test case description: A brief description of what the test case is testing.
  3. Pre-conditions: The conditions or set-up steps must be in place before the test case can be executed.
  4. Test inputs: The data or inputs used during the test execution.
  5. Expected results: The results produced when the test is executed correctly.
  6. Post-conditions: The conditions that should be in place after the test case has been executed.
  7. Test status: Indicates whether the test case has been executed and, if so, whether it passed or failed.
  8. Actual results: The actual results obtained after the test case execution.
  9. Test execution steps: The detailed steps required to execute the test case.

These components help provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the test case, making it easier to execute, track and manage test results, and improve the quality of the software being tested.

What are the different types of test cases?

Several test cases can be used to test a software application, including

  1. Functional test cases check whether the program meets functional requirements, ensuring that inputs are accepted, processed, and produced correctly.
  2. Non-functional test cases check the software’s performance, security, and usability, as well as its non-functional features.
  3. Integration test cases check the integration of different software components to ensure they work together as expected.
  4. System test cases test the entire software system as a whole to ensure it meets the specified requirements.
  5. Acceptance test cases test the software to determine if it meets the customer’s acceptance criteria.
  6. Regression test cases examine existing software to verify that all features are still operational following an update or modification. It seeks to identify errors that might have made their way into the latest software release.  
  7. Smoke test cases are preliminary test cases that ensure the most critical functions of the software work as expected.
  8. Exploratory test cases are types of software testing where the tester actively explores the application to find defects. In exploratory testing, the tester combines test design and test execution into one phase and uses the results of the testing to determine what to test next.

Each test case serves a different purpose and provides a different level of testing coverage. Selecting the appropriate types of test cases and designing them effectively is important to ensure that the software is thoroughly tested.

What is test case management?

Test case management is the process of organizing and maintaining information about test cases for a software application. It involves 

  • Defining, documenting, and executing test cases
  • Tracking and reporting on test results
  • Maintaining the test cases over time as the software changes 

Test case management aims to ensure that the software is tested thoroughly and consistently so the testing results can be effectively tracked and analyzed.

Top 5 benefits of test case management

Test case management is an essential part of the testing process that helps ensure that software applications are thoroughly tested, efficiently managed, and meet the required standards. Test case management is important for several reasons:

1. Improve software quality

 Effective test case management helps ensure that all functionalities of a software application are thoroughly tested, reducing the risk of defects and improving overall software quality.

2. Increase efficiency

By organizing and maintaining information about test cases, test case management streamlines the testing process and reduces the time and effort required to execute tests, making the testing process more efficient.

3. Facilitate collaboration

Test case management helps ensure that all testing team members have access to the same information, reducing confusion and facilitating collaboration.

4. Enhance traceability

Test case management provides a clear record of which test cases have been executed, their results, and any issues that arose during testing, making it easier to track progress and maintain traceability.

5. Support regulatory compliance

In some industries, such as healthcare and finance, regulatory requirements mandate thorough testing and documentation of software applications. Test case management helps organizations meet these requirements.

Test case management tools

There are many tools available to support test case management. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice will depend on factors such as the organization’s size, the complexity of the software being tested, and the resources available for testing. 

Organizations can improve the efficiency and quality of their software testing efforts by selecting the appropriate test case management tool and integrating it effectively. 

We can categorize 4 types of test case management tools.

1- Test automation tools

Test automation tools such as Selenium, Appium, and CAST can execute automated tests, reducing the time and effort required for testing. 

CAST by Testifi is a low-code test automation tool that provides mobile, desktop and API testing along with performance testing and static code analysis. It simplifies testing for companies seeking to reduce their reliance on scarce technical talent. 

BMW, Amazon, and Vodafone all use Testifi’s services. CAST follows a shift-left and test-first strategy and is compatible with CI/CD tools such as Xray, Zephyr, Jenkins, and Jira.

See the video below for a demo of CAST:

2- Defection tracking tools 

Tools such as JIRA, Bugzilla, and HP Quality Center can be used to track and manage defects, providing a centralized repository of information about defects and their status. 

3-Test case management plugins

There are useful plugins available for test management tools, such as JIRA, that support test case management, providing additional functionality and integration with other tools.

4- Requirements management tools

Tools such as IBM Rational DOORS, HP Requirements Manager, and Jama Software can be used to manage requirements, including mapping requirements to test cases and tracking changes to requirements over time.

If you have further questions about test case management, reach us:

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Altay Ataman
Altay is an industry analyst at AIMultiple. He has background in international political economy, multilateral organizations, development cooperation, global politics, and data analysis. He has experience working at private and government institutions. Altay discovered his interest for emerging tech after seeing its wide use of area in several sectors and acknowledging its importance for the future. He received his bachelor's degree in Political Science and Public Administration from Bilkent University and he received his master's degree in International Politics from KU Leuven .

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